11-month-old boy suffers 80% burns after falling into a bucket of boiling water his mother had prepared for his bath
The doctors are working hard on saving the infant's life but have not discussed his chances of survival.

An 11-month-old baby boy has been left fighting for his life after accidentally falling into a bucket of boiling hot water in Ukraine.
The child suffered around 80% burns on his body as a result of the incident.
Doctors are working hard to save the life of Daniil Chernenko who was almost boiled alive in the village of Salhany located in southern Ukraine's Odessa Oblast region.
Pictures posted on Facebook on March 18 by a charity volunteer show little Daniil laying on a bed covered in bandages from head to toe after he had to be hospitalized.
According to reports,the incident reportedly took place when the mother was preparing a bath for the baby.