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Where is Sarper Guven’s secret son now? ‘90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’ star reveals dealing with 'fake' sons online

Sarper Guven had his son as a result of a secret affair with a woman called Alina, 25 years ago
Sarper Guven has a secret son with a woman called Alina (@tlc)
Sarper Guven has a secret son with a woman called Alina (@tlc)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Sarper Guven from '90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' shared a TikTok video discussing his search for his missing son and gave updates on his recent whereabouts.  He revealed that after asking for help online, he was contacted by at least six men claiming to be his son or knowing his son's whereabouts. However, upon investigation, all these claims turned out to be false, mostly from individuals looking to play pranks on him.

Sarper explained that he anticipated such false claims. Despite the setbacks with fake claims, Sarper revealed in the video that he remains hopeful and continues to seek genuine information about his son's whereabouts.

"So many of you wanted an update on my missing son, atleast 6 men contacted with me saying that they are my son or they know my son's place but he doesn't want to see me something like this. And I dig out all of them and all of them were fake mostly haters wanted to joke with me," Sarper said in a TikTok video.

"But I knew it was coming and therefore when in the first video where I mentioned details about my son in the description, I intentionally didn't mention the name of the hotel I met with his mother because I knew there would be so much false and fake notices and giving the name of the hotel will be 100% proof," he added. 

How did Sarper Guven meet his estranged gf Alina? 

Sarper Guven met his estranged girlfriend Alina in 1998 at a hotel in Antalya, Turkey. Sarper was 19 at the time, and Alina was 35. They spent a week together. Since Sarper didn't have a mobile phone, they kept in touch via email. Alina later informed Sarper that she was pregnant, having deliberately arranged to conceive a child without expecting any commitment from him. They continued exchanging emails, and Alina reported that she was expecting a boy.

However, when Alina was 7-8 months pregnant, Sarper, feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility, deleted his email account and cut off contact. Years later, he regretted his decision and tried to find Alina and their son but faced many obstacles. He couldn't recover his old email, and the hotel had been renovated and changed names, with no records of previous years.

Shekinah and Sarper moved in after a year of dating (Instagram/ Shekinah Garner)
Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven (Instagram/@shekinah.garner)

Are Sarper Guven and Shekinah Harper still together? 

As of the latest updates, Shekinah Garner and Sarper Güven, featured on '90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way,' are still in a relationship. However, their journey together has been tumultuous, mainly due to Sarper's controlling tendencies. Shekinah has openly discussed how Sarper exerts control over various aspects of her life, such as limiting her social interactions, influencing her diet, and even dictating her clothing choices.

Despite these challenges, Shekinah has chosen to stay with Sarper, believing that his efforts to adjust his behavior is nothing but shows his commitment to their relationship.

Sarper has a secret son ( Instagram/ Shekinah Garner)
Sarper Guven and Shekinah Garner feature in '90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' (Instagram/@shekinah.garner)