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‘Thought sis was going home’: ‘Love Island USA’ fans left baffled over Miguel Harichi’s decision to pair up with Olivia Walker

When Miguel announced that he had chosen Olivia, the tension was palpable as fans took to social media
'Love Island USA' star Miguel Harichi chose to pair up with Liv Walker (@peacock)
'Love Island USA' star Miguel Harichi chose to pair up with Liv Walker (@peacock)

MAMANUCA ISLANDS, FIJI: Fans of 'Love Island USA' were left stunned and baffled by Miguel Harichi's unexpected decision to pair up with Olivia Walker. Throughout the episode, viewers were eagerly anticipating Miguel's choice, with many hoping he would pick someone who they felt deserved to stay in the villa more. The tension was palpable as fans took to social media, expressing their preferences and urging Miguel to make what they believed to be the right choice.

However, when Miguel announced that he had chosen Olivia, the reaction was one of collective disbelief. Even Olivia herself seemed surprised by his decision, her expression mirroring the confusion felt by the audience. Many fans were particularly upset because this choice meant that Hannah, a well-liked contestant, had to go home. 

Fans took to social media platforms to vent their frustrations, criticizing Miguel for what they saw as a poor decision. Comments flooded in, with many saying that Miguel failed to do his job better by not choosing someone they felt had more potential or was more deserving of staying in the villa. The sentiment was clear: viewers believed Miguel's decision disrupted the dynamics of the show in an unfavorable way.

"Miguel and Liv can go. They came and served their purpose. Bye now," said a fan. "LIV…LIV!!!???? What the entire f**k Miguel. You had one job smh. Nah you gotta go home sir. You didn’t do what you were suppose to don’t nobody want LIV there," said another.

"Liv and Miguel is crazy tho lmao," added one fan. "i’m confused on how miguel had to explain to liv’s uneducated ass what a nomad was yet he still picked her… i’m sorry but i thought sis was going HOME," added another. 



Olivia Walker breaks up with Hakeem White 

In a recent episode of 'Love Island USA' Season 6, Olivia Walker decided to end her relationship with Hakeem White. Their relationship had been fraught with tension and disagreements, ultimately leading to their emotional breakup.

Hakeem and Olivia started their connection with high hopes, turning a friendship into a romantic relationship. However, as time went on, Hakeem began to feel that Olivia wasn't putting enough effort into their relationship. He expressed his frustration, feeling that Olivia was not fully invested in making their connection stronger.

The situation reached a breaking point during a heated confrontation. Hakeem accused Olivia of being negative and immature, claiming that she often acted erratically and didn't communicate effectively. He expressed his dissatisfaction by saying, "You are literally the most negative person in this house and you're the root of a lot of problems here."

'Love Island USA' Season 6 islander Hakeem White and Liv Walker split (@peacock)
'Love Island USA' Season 6 islander Hakeem White and Liv Walker split (@peacock)

Olivia Walker says she's not 'a horrible person' 

In a recent episode of 'Love Island USA' Season 6, Olivia Walker found herself at the center of a heated confrontation with Hakeem White, which eventually led to their breakup. During their argument, Hakeem accused Olivia of being the most negative person in the villa and suggested that she was the root of many problems.

These harsh words deeply hurt Olivia. She felt misunderstood and unfairly judged by Hakeem. In a confessional interview after their confrontation, Olivia tearfully defended herself, saying, "I'm not a horrible person." Olivia said, "No, I'm not a horrible person. I can't sit there and listen to him be so condescending and rude to my face. He's not understanding it, and then to say that in front of everyone—go be with whoever you want to be with but just don't string me along."

Liv Walker in 'Love Island USA' Season 6 (Peacock)
'Love Island USA' Season 6 star Liv Walker found herself at the center of a heated confrontation with Hakeem White (@peacock)