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'The Boys' Season 4 Explainer: The mysterious link between Homelander and the Vought lab from his childhood

While a part of him considers reconciling with Ryan, other voices inside Homelander scorn this as 'weak' and undeserving of love
UPDATED JUN 18, 2024
Homelander blames himself for these weaknesses, longing to embody pure strength rather than vulnerability in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Homelander blames himself for these weaknesses, longing to embody pure strength rather than vulnerability in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'The Boys' Season 4 debuted on Prime Video with three episodes. In Episode 3, Homelander, played by Antony Starr, faces a tough time as he learns about a traitor at Vought and catches his son Ryan sneaking out to see Butcher, which deeply unsettles him.

His anger leads him to confront Ryan harshly, triggering reflections on his own humanity.

Confronting himself in the mirror, Homelander grapples with his fractured psyche, revealing his human vulnerabilities. He blames himself for these weaknesses, longing to embody pure strength rather than vulnerability.

While a part of him considers reconciling with Ryan, other voices inside him scorn this as 'weak' and undeserving of love. Homelander resolves to erase his vulnerabilities by returning 'back to the start', leaving viewers to ponder his next move.

What does Homelander's reflections tell him 'The Boys' Season 4 Episode 3?

Homelander's reflections advise him to 'go back to the start' in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)
Homelander's reflections advise him to 'go back to the start' in 'The Boys' (@primevideo)

Homelander hears voices telling him to return "home", which might confuse viewers since Vought Tower has always been his home on the Amazon series. But Homelander's clash with Ryan brings up memories from his own childhood.

When he thinks of home, he means the Vought lab where he was created — a cold, sterile place, as shown in his flashbacks.

At the end of 'The Boys' Season 4, Episode 3, Homelander is poised to revisit his place of origin in Episode 4. It's unclear why he wants to go there, but he believes it's the key to shedding his human side. Maybe confronting his origins will help him sever the connection he feels with Ryan.

Homelander's wish for a relationship with his son comes from growing up without a father and craving love, which he was denied.

Why is Homelander returning to the Vought lab from his childhood?

A still of the Vought lab Homelander was brought up in (@primevideo)
A still of the Vought lab Homelander was brought up in (@primevideo)

In 'The Boys' Season 4, Homelander returns to the Vought lab of his childhood to erase the last traces of his humanity. Throughout the series, Homelander has struggled with vulnerability, which has become more evident in Seasons 3 and 4.

Soldier Boy's rejection of his son deeply affects Homelander, and he desperately wants a relationship with Ryan, even though he doesn't know how to navigate it. Ryan's connection with Butcher makes Homelander feel abandoned, intensifying his turmoil.

Homelander's fear of rejection drives him to try to eliminate his feelings of inadequacy and longing for love. He believes that confronting his past will solve these issues.

However, given Homelander's character, his approach to facing his upbringing is likely to be unhealthy, and his perceived weaknesses may persist.

As 'The Boys' Season 4 unfolds, viewers will discover how Homelander grapples with his origins. Whatever unfolds in the upcoming episodes, they sure promise to reveal more about Homelander and his relationship with Vought.

'The Boys' trailer


Three episodes of 'The Boys' Season 4 are now available to stream on Prime Video