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'My Lady Jane' Review: Emily Bader's cheeky fantasy delight hits the right spot

'My Lady Jane' is based on a book of the same name by Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows, and Cynthia Hand
'My Lady Jane' tells the story of Lady Jane Grey with a positive twist to it (@primevideo)
'My Lady Jane' tells the story of Lady Jane Grey with a positive twist to it (@primevideo)

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM: 'My Lady Jane' is streaming on Prime Video on June 27, 2024, and the series created by Gemma Burgess is a twist to the real-life story of Lady Jane Grey (Emily Bader), who sat on the throne for nine days from July 10 to July 19, 1553, before being overthrown and executed on February 12, 1554. 

'My Lady Jane' has been directed by Jamie Babbit and Stefan Schwartz and performed by Emily Bader, Edward Bluemel, Jordan Peters, Anna Chancellor, Dominic Cooper, Jim Broadbent, Will Keen, Rob Brydon, Kate O'Flynn, Máiréad Tyers, and Robyn Betteridge.

'My Lady Jane' reimagines history in a farcical yet intelligent way and tells the story of Lady Jane Grey in a world where the royal folk act in an over-the-top way and humans can turn into animals and beasts. But, the way this world has been crafted and the imagination of the makers makes it all seem logical.

Here is a detailed review of 'My Lady Jane'.

Unconventional storytelling makes 'My Lady Jane' an entertaining watch

A still from 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)
Anna Chancellor and Henry Ashton in a still from 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)

What makes 'My Lady Jane' work is the fact that the makers use narration to explain its unconventional nature. The series doesn't shy away from being strange and unpredictable in its writing and execution. 

The makers of the series tread a thin line where they run the risk of being frivolous at any given stage of the series but they are careful and tell the story with careful precision. 

The addition of humor is a wonderful twist to an otherwise tragic story and it helps the makers seamlessly blend the farcical screenplay into the reality-inspired twists and turns. 

Emily Bader and Edward Bluemel are perfect for their roles 

Emily Bader in a still from the series 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)
Emily Bader in a still from the series 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)

Emily Bader is exceptional in her role as Jane. She has an innocent charm about her that keeps the audience intrigued about her journey. Edward Bluemel plays a great love interest and a man who can turn into a horse. That adds another layer to his character and makes it all the more difficult but Edward manages it well. 

Kate O'Flynn is a standout performer in this series as Mary. She plays an evil ruler and a woman who would go to any extent, albeit comically, to get what she wants. Dominic Cooper is very good as Lord Seymour, and so is Jordan Peters as King Edward. 

'My Lady Jane' is an exceptionally entertaining show

Edward Bluemel in a still from 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)
Edward Bluemel in a still from 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)

'My Lady Jane' delivers an entertainingly creative show that will have the audience appalled at the imagination of the makers and how cleverly they have interpreted history

The show has high technical prowess, great cinematography, and brilliant editing. It works on multiple levels as a show that is a contemporary take on a historical event. 

'My Lady Jane' trailer


'My Lady Jane' is streaming on Prime Video on June 27, 2024.