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'My Lady Jane' Episode 8 Ending Explained: Jane's fate hangs in balance as deadly execution awaits

The final episode of 'My Lady Jane' sees Jane go up against Mary in an attempt to avoid her execution
'My Lady Jane' ends with a twist to the real-life fate of Lady Jane Grey (@primevideo)
'My Lady Jane' ends with a twist to the real-life fate of Lady Jane Grey (@primevideo)

Contains spoilers for 'My Lady Jane'

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM: 'My Lady Jane' is streaming on Prime Video from June 27, 2024, and the series tells the story of Lady Jane Grey with a twist in her life through an eight-episode-long comical journey that optimistically twists reality. 

As the final episode of the show begins, Lady Jane Grey (Emily Bader) is condemned to prison after a public trial at the beginning of the episode where she has to await her execution. Lord Guildford Dudley (Edward Bluemel), meanwhile, is in Lord Seymour's (Dominic Cooper) prison.

Mary (Kate O'Flynn) gives Jane and Guildford a chance at survival if she reads out a hate-filled speech written by Mary.

Margaret Grey (Robyn Betteridge) reaches the prison and meets Jane to tell her that Mary will kill her and Guildford anyway. Mary asks Lord Seymour to marry Katherine Grey (Isabella Brownson) after she receives a proposal from Spain's Prince.

Meanwhile, Edward (Jordan Peters) reaches out to the banished Edians to fight for him. Will the Edians fight for him? Will Mary escape her execution? Here we explain the end of 'My Lady Jane'. 

Jane tries to poison Mary in 'My Lady Jane'

Emily Bader in a still from Episode 8 of 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)
Emily Bader in a still from Episode 8 of 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)

Jane creates a makeshift poison using her prison surroundings and applies it to the letter she has to read. When she's invited to read out her speech, Jane puts the poison on her lips and tries to kill Mary by kissing her before her speech.

The plan backfires though as guards take her away. She begins to read the speech but instead of reading from Mary's written speech, she instigates the mob against Mary who orders her to be taken away.

With odds against her, Jane taps into her dark side. Jane asks a friendly guard George (Harry Trevaldwyn) to get her wine as her dying wish. She then asks George to drink wine with her.

Jane is about to poison George, with the wine but throws the glass away at the last moment proving herself to be a good soul but now nothing can stop the execution from happening.

Guildford's unsuccessful attempt to escape the prison

Dominic Cooper in a still from Episode 8 of 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)
Dominic Cooper in a still from Episode 8 of 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)

Stan and his father Lord Dudley reach Lord Seymour's prison and make an unsuccessful attempt to save Guildford from the prison. Stan hits Seymour and takes the prison key from him.

While on the way out, Lord Dudley tells Guildford that his mother's death was an accident and that Guildford should not carry it on his conscience. Guildford and Seymour have a long sword fight that Guildford wins but guards arrest him and take him back to prison.

Jane survives the execution and runs away with Guildford

Edward Bluemel in a still from Episode 8 of 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)
Edward Bluemel in a still from Episode 8 of 'My Lady Jane' (@primevideo)

It's the night of the execution and it is celebrated like a party. Mary is brought out with Guildford watching this with his hands tied to a pole. Just as the execution is about to happen, the Edians come as eagles and take the fight to Mary's army.

The army set Guildford on fire. Just as he is about to burn, he shapeshifts into a horse that Jane rides away on. Mary is still ruling the kingdom though, and with Jane and the other heroes free, they still have to conquer Mary to make the world a better place.

'My Lady Jane' trailer


'My Lady Jane' is streaming on Prime Video from June 27, 2024