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'Land of Women' Episode 4 Preview: Gala's safety in jeopardy as uninvited guests arrive in La Muga

'Land of Women' follows Gala's life as it is thrown into chaos when her husband implicates their family in financial trouble
Gala may confront new threats in 'Land of Women' Episode 4 (@appletv+)
Gala may confront new threats in 'Land of Women' Episode 4 (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Land of Women' Episode 3 and speculations for Episode 4

BARCELONA, SPAIN: 'Land of Women' Episode 3 has officially premiered on Apple TV+, and it seems Gala's (Eva Longoria) problems are far from over as she navigates the complexities of her new life.

Gala enjoyed a luxurious and ideal life in New York City. However, this idyllic life came crashing down when her husband, Fred (James Purefoy), took a $15 million loan from a criminal organization.

His actions embroiled the family in a dangerous situation, forcing Gala to flee the city to protect her family.

Gala decided to take her daughter Kate (Victoria Bazua) and her mother Julia (Carmen Maura) to La Muga, a small, rural village in Spain where her family has ancestral ties. 

In 'Land of Women' Episode 3, Gala starts to build a support system within the community, forming friendships and alliances.

Let's discuss the key events from 'Land of Women' Episode 3 and speculate on what might occur in Episode 4. 

What happened in 'Land of Women' Episode 3?

Santiago Cabrera as Amat and Eva Longoria as Gala in a still from 'Land of Women' Episode 3 (@appletv+)
Santiago Cabrera as Amat and Eva Longoria as Gala in a still from 'Land of Women' Episode 3 (@appletv+)

In 'Land of Women' Episode 2, Gala asks Amat (Santiago Cabrera) for a job in his wine business to make ends meet in La Muga. 'Land of Women' Episode 3 begins with Gala helping Amat to improve the quality of the wine.

Gala tells the women that while the grapes are of good quality, the wine is too strong and tastes bad, prompting them to explore new methods of production.

The women of La Muga, who already dislike Gala, are not enthusiastic about changing their process.

However, Gala and Amat spend the entire day tasting the 10-year-old wines and find that all of them are unsatisfactory.

Gala suggests a potential solution: mixing it with wine from a previous year. She also proposes the idea of selling the wine in bulk to one of her friends.

Meanwhile, Julia, convinced that Andreu (Pep Anton Muñoz) is Gala’s biological father, approaches him with the intent to blackmail him for money.

However, it is revealed that Andreu is not Gala's father. Mariona and Julia confront each other because Andreu is Mariona's husband. Mariona (Gloria Muñoz) is furious and denies that Andreu could be Gala's father.

Gala is also furious with Julia, accusing her of having relationships with numerous men in the town, which escalates into a heated confrontation between them.

Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Carmen Maura as Julia in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

As the episode progresses, Gala convinces Amat to reach out to her friend, who shows interest in purchasing the wine in bulk and agrees to a tasting session in two weeks.

Meanwhile, Kate runs out of hormones and asks the local doctor for a refill. Instead, he tells one of her friends in town that she's trans, leading to an awkward moment at a bar.

Later, Gala finally guesses Fred's email password, which turns out to be 'Katrina.' She begins a conversation with Amat, but their discussion is interrupted when Montse (Ariadna Gil) unexpectedly arrives, leading to a moment where they kiss.

In the last scene, tension escalates as two men arrive in La Muga with a clear mission: to find Gala.

This cliffhanger leaves viewers on edge, eagerly anticipating how Gala will respond to this new threat and what measures she will take to protect her family from the dangers that have followed them to this seemingly quiet corner of Spain.

What to expect in 'Land of Women' Episode 4?

Santiago Cabrera as Amat and Eva Longoria as Gala in a still from 'Land of Women' Episode 3 (@appletv+)
Santiago Cabrera as Amat and Eva Longoria as Gala in a still from 'Land of Women' Episode 3 (@appletv+)

It appears Gala's challenges are set to intensify in the upcoming episodes. The arrival of the two men in Catalonia will affect Gala's life.

Their determined search suggests they are not merely seeking money but may pose a direct threat to Gala and her family.

The unresolved financial and legal issues stemming from Fred's actions cast a shadow over Gala's attempts to start anew in La Muga. The arrival of the men hints that debts could threaten her fragile stability.

It appears Gala has developed a soft spot for Amat, and his relationship with Montse could potentially affect her emotionally. Working in the wine business might prove challenging for Gala under these circumstances.

Gala, already under pressure due to her past and the threats looming over her, must now navigate the competitive and demanding world of winemaking. 

Meanwhile, if the two men come searching for Gala and her family, there's a possibility that Amat may help to hide them, given his deep care and concern for Gala.

When will 'Land of Women' Episode 4 air?

Eva Longoria, Victoria Bazúa and Carmen Maura in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)
Eva Longoria, Victoria Bazúa and Carmen Maura in a still from 'Land of Women' (@appletv+)

'Land of Women' Episode 4 will drop on Apple TV+ on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.

New Episodes of 'Land of Women' will be released every Wednesday, offering viewers a weekly dose of drama, romance, and suspense. 

With a competitive pricing structure, enjoy all the entertainment Apple TV+ has to offer at a monthly subscription cost, making premium content accessible to a broad audience.

The base price of Apple TV+ is $9.99 per month. For this fee, viewers gain access to the platform's full library of original series and movies.

'Land of Women' Episode 3 is now streaming on Apple TV+.