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'Kleks Academy' Review: Netflix's heartwarming family flick is let down by lackluster humor

Enter the magical world of 'Kleks Academy' where fantasy meets reality
Uncover family secrets with Ada during her adventurous journey in 'Kleks Academy' (@netflix)
Uncover family secrets with Ada during her adventurous journey in 'Kleks Academy' (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'Kleks Academy'

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Netflix's upcoming Polish fantasy film, 'Kleks Academy' (original title: 'Akademia pana Kleksa'), is set to captivate audiences worldwide with its enchanting tale and stunning visuals.

Directed by Maciej Kawulski, this highly anticipated movie is slated for release on June 19, 2024, and promises to be a significant milestone in Polish cinema, potentially boasting the highest budget ever for a film from the country.

With a star-studded cast including Piotr Fronczewski, Sebastian Stankiewicz, Agnieszka Grochowska, and Danuta Stenka, 'Kleks Academy' is poised to be a visual and narrative treat.

The film has already generated significant buzz on social media. Let's see if the early praise highlights the true Kleks Academy's imaginative direction and the film's potential to become a beloved fantasy adventure.

Maciej Kawulski's direction elevates 'Kleks Academy' above its flaws

'Kleks Academy' is a enchanting tale presented through stunning visuals and whimsical storytelling (@netflix)
'Kleks Academy' is an enchanting tale presented through stunning visuals and whimsical storytelling (@netflix)

'Kleks Academy' is a refreshing and imaginative reboot of Jan Brzechwa's classic tale, directed by Maciej Kawulski. The film centers on Ada Niezgódka, a regular girl who finds herself at the mysterious Kleks Academy, where fantasy and creativity know no bounds.

Under the eccentric guidance of Professor Ambroży Kleks, played brilliantly by Tomasz Kot, Ada embarks on a journey that blends wonder with self-discovery. She navigates through enchanting realms and unravels her family's deepest secrets, making this a story about empathy, dreams, and the power of imagination.

The film excels in its technical execution, offering stunning visual effects and a thrilling musical score that remixes classics to entertain both children and adults. The character of Professor Kleks is wonderfully brought to life by Kot, whose performance is both whimsical and inspiring.

Antonina Litwiniak shines as Ada, capturing the essence of a tomboyish girl who learns to believe in the magic within her.

However, the film is not without its flaws. Stereotypical portrayals of international students and some lackluster humor, such as repeated poop jokes, can detract from the overall experience.

Despite these minor missteps, 'Kleks Academy' remains a captivating and heartwarming watch, resonating with timeless values and modern sensibilities.

Antonina Litwiniak brings charm to Ada Niezgódka in 'Kleks Academy'

Antonina Litwiniak shines as Ada Niezgódka in this captivating fantasy film 'Kleks Academy' (@netflix)
Antonina Litwiniak shines as Ada Niezgódka in the captivating fantasy film 'Kleks Academy' (@netflix)

Antonina Litwiniak's portrayal of Ada Niezgódka in 'Kleks Academy' is delightful and captivating. She effortlessly embodies the spirited essence of Ada, a tomboyish girl thrust into the enchanting world of Kleks Academy. Litwiniak's performance is nuanced, balancing Ada's skepticism with her growing belief in the fantastical possibilities around her.

Throughout the film, Litwiniak skillfully navigates Ada's journey of self-discovery, portraying her transformation from a reluctant participant to a courageous explorer of her family's secrets. Her chemistry with Tomasz Kot's Professor Ambroży Kleks is palpable, creating moments of genuine warmth and mentorship that resonate deeply.

What stands out most in Litwiniak's portrayal is her ability to convey Ada's emotional complexity with authenticity. From moments of doubt to instances of wonder and determination, she navigates Ada's arc with grace and charm, making her a relatable and endearing protagonist for audiences of all ages.

In short, Antonina Litwiniak brings Ada Niezgódka to life with a blend of charisma and vulnerability, adding depth to the film's exploration of empathy, dreams, and the power of imagination. Her performance is a highlight in 'Kleks Academy', contributing to its enchanting appeal and leaving a lasting impression on viewers.

'Kleks Academy' trailer