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Is there a Jason 3? Dark Matter's multiverse madness turns crazy ahead of gripping finale

'Dark Matter' Episode 7 ended on a cliffhanger, leaving fans speculate if there are more than two Jasons in Reality 1
Jason Dessen's return to his reality is about to take a crazy twist in 'Dark Matter' Episode 8 (@appletv+)
Jason Dessen's return to his reality is about to take a crazy twist in 'Dark Matter' Episode 8 (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Dark Matter'

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: Jason Dessen's (played by Joel Edgerton) multiverse travels finally came to an end in 'Dark Matter' Episode 7. This comes as a relief to the viewers who have been watching his countless failed attempts at returning to his original reality.

However, just when we thought that things would finally be easier for our protagonist, a crazy twist in the final moments of 'Dark Matter' Episode 7 left everyone baffled.

What happens in 'Dark Matter' Episode 7 ending scene?

Joel Edgerton as Jason Dessen in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton as Jason Dessen in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

When Jason 1 realizes that he has indeed landed in his original reality, he rushes to a gun shop to buy a handgun. However, the woman at the store refuses to sell him the weapon as he lacks FOID (Firearm Owner's Identification).

And therefore, Jason 1 grabs the next best options, that is, a pepper spray and a knife, to prepare himself for a confrontation with Jason 2.

Just as he walks out of the store, another Jason comes to the store asking for a gun. This moment leaves viewers as puzzled as the staff at the shop.

'Dark Matter' is about to get complicated with the arrival of multiple Jasons

One Jason craves the other's life, while the displaced one fights to get back to his family (@AppleTV+)
Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Connelly in a still from 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

The obvious understanding from the Episode 7 climax would be that Jason 2 was the one who visited the store the second time. But wouldn't it be a boring and predictable setup for the climax?

Well, Blake Crouch has something interesting planned for the show's climax. The floating theory is that there are more than two Jasons in Reality 1 at this point of time.

It is worth noting that it can't be Jason 2 who visited the gun shop. Firstly, he doesn't feel the need to buy a gun at this point. His imminent threat was Ryan Holder (Jimmi Simpson) who came to know about his adventures and Jason 2 has already taken care of it.

Moreover, the two Jasons who enter the store are seen wearing same the set of clothes and carrying identical backpacks.

Meanwhile, Jason 2 was seen with Daniela (Jennifer Connelly) and Charlie (Oakes Fegley) wearing a completely different outfit. Jason 2 can't possibly have those sets of clothes as they were gifted by Amanda Lucas when Jason 1 woke up in Reality 2.

This hints that both Jasons who visited the gun shop have come from the box.

Blake Crouch, in his novel, introduces multiple Jasons who have arrived in Reality 1. The explanation is that Jason 1's reality split into many different ones when Jason 2 swapped places with him.

Every time Jason made a choice during his multiverse adventures, another version of him was born. This entanglement in superposition created many Jasons trying to return to their reality with Daniela and Charlie.

Fans support the theory of multiple Jasons in Reality 1 

Joel Edgerton as Jason Dessen in a still from 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
It is possible that there's Jason 3 in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

Fans on Reddit are convinced by the theory of multiple Jasons. Someone wrote, "There is a book spoiler thread that goes into how many, don't have a link handy, but it was earlier today. Apparently, a lot of Jasons are created when the abduction happened, and it gets crazy. At least that's what i got from the thread."

Explaining the mind-bending theory, a fan added, "When J2 first enters the box, an infinite number of verse hopping J2s are then created.. Same with J1. An infinite number of J2s kidnap an infinite number of J1s across infinite realities. And now they're all trying to make it back home. Their paths are gonna cross an infinite number of times. There are also infinite realities that fit the characteristics of J1's reality. He will never know if a world is actually his but that doesn't really matter."

"I haven’t read the book but believe there are going to be an infinite number of Jason’s from all the multiverses…it’s about to get really weird," added another fan hooked to the show.

It would be interesting to see how Jason 1 tackles with different versions of himself trying to live with Daniela. It also makes us curious how they'll all return to their original realities while they are convinced that they are already in the right one.

'Dark Matter' trailer


'Dark Matter' is available to stream on Apple TV+.