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'Darkness of Man' Ending Explained: Stunning revelation about Mr Kim's real identity

'Darkness of Man' ends with Russell Hatch finishing the Russian Mafia and learning the truth about Korean Mafia
Ji Yong Lee plays the role of Mr Kim in 'Darkness of Man' (@sabanfilms)
Ji Yong Lee plays the role of Mr Kim in 'Darkness of Man' (@sabanfilms)

Contains spoilers for 'Darkness of Man'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Darkness of Man' is available on Video on Demand from Tuesay, May 21, 2024, and the film ends with an unexpected turn of events as Russell Hatch (Jean-Claude Van Damme) discovers a secret about the Korean Mafia and how he might have been helping them smuggle drugs inadvertently. 

The movie centers around Russell trying to protect Jayden (Emerson Min) who's in danger because of the Russian Mafia and Korean Mafia turf war for the drug business. As he tries to protect Jayden, he goes deeper into the mafia networks and starts eliminating them one by one. 

His quest to retrieve Jayden takes him to the head of the Russian Mafia Lazar (Andrey Ivchenko). Russell gets into his car and after an altercation, a brutal fight ensues between them. 

Can Russell kill Lazar? Can he find Jayden? Let us find out in our explanation of the ending of 'Darkness of Man'.

Russell kills Lazar but learns a shocking truth about the Korean Mafia

Jean-Claude Van Damme in a still from 'Darkness of Man' (@Saban Films)
Jean-Claude Van Damme in a still from 'Darkness of Man' (@sabanfilms)

Russell and Lazar have a brutal fight where Lazar injures Russell but he recovers to stab Lazar fatally. As Lazar is dying, he calls Russell a pawn for the Korean Mafia. 

Russell ultimately finishes off Lazar but Jayden's whereabouts are still a mystery to him. After recovering from his wounds from the fight, he goes after Dae Hyun (Peter Jae) 

Jayden kills Dae Hyun as Russell gets injured

Jean-Claude Van Damme in a still from 'Darkness of Man' (@Saban Films)
Russell Hatch kills Russian Mafia Lazar in 'Darkness of Man' (@sabanfilms)

Russell finds Dae Hyun with Jayden who doesn't trust Russell after he reveals the truth about the relationship between him and Jayden's mother Esther (Chika Kanamoto). Jayden has a gun in his hand and Dae Hyun asks Jayden to shoot Russell but he shoots Dae Hyun instead as Russell tells him the truth about Dae Hyun's involvement in Jayden's father's death. 

Russell discovers that Mr Kim is actually the head of the Korean Mafia and while he was helping Mr Kim in transporting his packages in good faith, he was inadvertently helping Mr Kim in smuggling his drugs. 

Russell records Mr Kim's confession

Jean-Claude Van Damme in a still from 'Darkness of Man' (@Saban Films)
Russell Hatch gets injured while trying to protect Jayden in 'Darkness of Man' (@sabanfilms)

Russell goes to confront Mr Kim who is candid about his involvement in Esther's death. He makes a deal with Russell not to harm Jayden and they go their separate ways. 

It is later revealed though that Russell is wired and is secretly recording Mr Kim's confession. He gives the recording to Yates (Sticky Fingaz) and helps him solve the mystery behind the Korean Mafia kingpin. 

Russell takes up a new identity and settles with Jayden and Claire (Kristanna Loken). The post-credit scene however reveals that the Koreans are on the lookout for Russell setting up a possible sequel. 

'Darkness of Man' trailer


'Darkness of Man' is available on VOD from May 21, 2024.