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'Bridgerton' Season 3: Bridgerton family members ranked, and why a rebel tops them all

Here's the Bridgerton family character dynamic's ranking for the latest season
From eldest to youngest, delve into the captivating world of the Bridgerton family as they navigate love, duty, and self-discovery (@netflix)
From eldest to youngest, delve into the captivating world of the Bridgerton family as they navigate love, duty, and self-discovery (@netflix)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Bridgerton' with each season unveiling deeper layers of the characters, the Bridgerton siblings continue to captivate audiences with their distinct personalities and compelling narratives. This season promises to be no different, offering fresh drama, romance, and perhaps a few surprises along the way.

Among the expansive Bridgerton clan, each member holds a unique place in the hearts of viewers. From the steadfast and responsible eldest brother, Anthony, to the free-spirited and intellectually curious Eloise, the siblings represent a rich tapestry of Regency-era life, with their journeys reflecting broader themes of love and duty.

As we prepare to delve into the latest chapter of their lives, it’s worth reflecting on what makes each Bridgerton special and how they rank in terms of their impact on the series.

9. Will Tilston as Gregory Bridgerton

Gregory's youthful curiosity adds warmth and continuity to the Bridgerton saga (@netflix)
Gregory Bridgerton's youthful curiosity adds warmth and continuity to the 'Bridgerton' saga (@netflix)

Gregory Bridgerton, one of the youngest members of the family, brings a youthful energy and innocence to the series. His character, still developing, is filled with curiosity and a desire to find his place within the bustling Bridgerton household.

Gregory's interactions with his siblings and his own emerging personality provide a glimpse into the next generation of Bridgertons. As he grows, viewers can expect to see more of his character’s journey towards maturity and his own adventures in love and life.

Gregory’s youthful perspective and the close-knit bonds he shares with his family members add warmth and continuity to the 'Bridgerton' saga.

8. Florence Hunt as Hyacinth Bridgerton

Hyacinth’s spirited charm and playful energy promise delightful future storylines (@netflix)
Hyacinth Bridgerton’s spirited charm and playful energy promise delightful future storylines (@netflix)

Hyacinth Bridgerton, the youngest of the Bridgerton siblings, is full of spirited curiosity and youthful exuberance. Her character, still in the early stages of development, brings a light-hearted and playful energy to the series.

Hyacinth’s interactions with her older siblings and her observations of their romantic entanglements often provide comic relief and fresh perspectives. As the series progresses, Hyacinth’s journey from childhood to young adulthood will likely explore her own adventures and the formation of her unique identity within the Bridgerton family.

Her charm and innocence make her a delightful addition to the series, promising future storylines filled with growth and discovery. 

7. Phoebe Dynevor as Daphne Bridgerton

Daphne's blend of elegance and resilience makes her a timeless favorite (@netflix)
Daphne Bridgerton's blend of elegance and resilience makes her a timeless favorite (@netflix)

Daphne Bridgerton, the family's eldest daughter, captivated audiences from the beginning with her quest for true love amidst the constraints of Regency society. Her story, central to the first season, showcased her journey from a debutante seeking a suitable match to a woman discovering the complexities of love and marriage with the Duke of Hastings.

Daphne's grace, intelligence, and determination made her an instant favorite. Her ability to navigate the treacherous waters of high society while staying true to her values highlighted her strength and resilience.

As a young wife and mother, Daphne continues to play a pivotal role in the family, offering wisdom and support to her siblings. Her blend of elegance and tenacity ensures that she remains a beloved character in the series.

6. Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton

Francesca's journey of love and loss resonates with powerful emotional depth (@netflix)
Francesca Bridgerton's journey of love and loss resonates with powerful emotional depth (@netflix)

Francesca Bridgerton, often seen as the more enigmatic member of the family, comes into greater focus in Season 3. Her quiet presence and the understated grace with which she navigates her world set her apart from her more outgoing siblings.

Francesca’s storyline involves deep emotional currents, including her initial marriage to John Stirling and the subsequent grief of his untimely death. Her character’s journey is marked by resilience and the search for new beginnings amidst profound loss.

As viewers learn more about Francesca’s inner world and her capacity for love and recovery, her narrative promises to add a rich, emotional layer to the series. Francesca's story of overcoming heartbreak and finding strength in vulnerability resonates powerfully, making her an intriguing and relatable character.

5. Ruth Gemmell as Violet Bridgerton

Violet's unwavering love holds the family together amidst the complexities of Regency-era society (@netflix)
Violet Bridgerton's unwavering love holds the family together amidst the complexities of Regency-era society (@netflix)

Violet Bridgerton, the matriarch of the esteemed Bridgerton family, holds a significant presence despite her placement at the bottom of the sibling ranking. As the guiding force behind her children, Violet embodies grace, wisdom, and unwavering devotion to her family's well-being.

Throughout the series, Violet's strength and resilience shine as she navigates the intricacies of Regency-era society and supports her children through triumphs and tribulations. Her nurturing nature and ability to maintain the family's unity amidst challenges make her a pillar of strength and a source of inspiration.

While Violet may not receive as much spotlight as her younger counterparts, her influence is felt deeply within the Bridgerton household. Her unconditional love and unwavering dedication to her family serve as a cornerstone of the series, reminding viewers of the importance of familial bonds and the enduring power of maternal love.

4. Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton

Colin's charm and evolving romance with Penelope captivate hearts (@netflix)
Colin Bridgerton's charm and evolving romance with Penelope captivate hearts (@netflix)

Colin Bridgerton, the third son, is known for his charm, wit, and adventurous spirit. His journey, particularly his evolving relationship with Penelope Featherington, is a highlight of the series. Colin's character embodies the youthful exuberance and desire for exploration that contrasts sharply with the responsibilities of his elder siblings.

In Season 3, viewers eagerly anticipate the development of his romance with Penelope and his realization of her true feelings for him. Colin’s growth from a carefree young man to someone capable of deep emotional connections is central to his appeal.

His ability to inspire loyalty and affection in those around him, coupled with his genuine kindness, ensures that Colin remains a beloved character.

3. Jonathan Bailey as Anthony Bridgerton

Anthony's struggle to balance duty and desire defines his compelling journey (@netflix)
Anthony Bridgerton's struggle to balance duty and desire defines his compelling journey (@netflix)

As the eldest Bridgerton sibling, Anthony Bridgerton carries the weight of family responsibility on his shoulders. In Season 3, his journey continues to reflect the challenges of balancing duty with personal desire.

Initially, Anthony's character was defined by his commitment to family and his role as the Viscount, often placing the needs of his siblings above his own. His intense and sometimes rigid demeanor softened significantly during his romantic entanglement with Kate Sharma, revealing his vulnerability and deep capacity for love.

Anthony's evolution from a duty-bound elder brother to a man capable of profound emotional connection makes him one of the most compelling characters in the series. His struggles and growth resonate with viewers, who see in him the universal challenge of balancing societal expectations with personal happiness.

2. Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton

Benedict’s artistic quest for authenticity adds depth and reliability (@netflix)
Benedict Bridgerton’s artistic quest for authenticity adds depth and reliability (@netflix)

Benedict Bridgerton, the second eldest son, brings a refreshing artistic perspective to the family. His character is marked by a search for identity and purpose, often feeling out of place within the rigid structures of high society. Season 3 promises to delve deeper into his journey as he pursues his passion for art and navigates the societal expectations of his class.

Benedict's story is one of self-discovery and breaking free from conventional norms. His open-mindedness and pursuit of a more authentic life resonate with viewers who appreciate his quest for individuality. Benedict’s relationships and artistic endeavors add depth to his character, making him a fascinating and relatable figure within the Bridgerton clan.

1. Claudia Jessie as Eloise Bridgerton 

Eloise’s rebellious spirit and quest for independence make her an enduring favorite (@netflix)
Eloise Bridgerton’s rebellious spirit and quest for independence make her an enduring favorite (@netflix)

Eloise Bridgerton being number #1 in our ranking list stands out as the family’s rebellious and intellectually curious member. Her sharp wit, strong opinions, and reluctance to conform to societal norms make her a unique and refreshing character.

Throughout the series, Eloise’s quest for independence and her disdain for the traditional roles expected of women in her time resonate deeply with modern audiences. Season 3 is expected to continue exploring her journey toward self-discovery and her search for a life beyond the confines of marriage and motherhood.

Eloise’s courage to question societal expectations and her unwavering pursuit of knowledge and personal freedom have earned her a special place in the hearts of fans. Her story highlights the broader themes of empowerment and individuality, making her an enduring favorite.

How to stream 'Bridgerton'?

'Bridgerton' is exclusively made for Netflix. All episodes of Season 1 and 2, along with four episodes of Season 3 are available to watch on the OTT giant.

The remaining episodes of Season 3 are scheduled to release on June 13, 2024.

'Bridgerton' Season 3: Part 2 trailer


'Bridgerton' is available for streaming on Netflix.