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Is Benedict Bridgerton gay? Why Netflix's 'Bridgerton' Season 3 steers away from the books

Benedict Bridgerton's exploration of love and identity in 'Bridgerton' Season 3
'Bridgerton' Season 3 offers a fresh take on Benedict Bridgerton's character, navigating themes of bisexuality (@netflix)
'Bridgerton' Season 3 offers a fresh take on Benedict Bridgerton's character, navigating themes of bisexuality (@netflix)

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LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Bridgerton' Season 3 has recently concluded, leaving fans with a series of surprising twists and emotional upheavals.

This latest season has arguably been the most intriguing yet, with lead characters facing betrayals, emotional breakdowns, and complex personal challenges.

Among these, the storyline involving Benedict Bridgerton (Luke Thompson) has particularly captured the audience's attention, prompting speculation about his sexuality.

From the beginning, Benedict's character has been surrounded by subtle hints and ambiguous situations, sparking debates and fan theories about his true romantic inclinations.

Season 1 sets the stage with Benedict's intrigued reaction to witnessing a same-sex encounter at a party, sparking curiosity about his sexual orientation.

However, Season 3 delves deeper into Benedict’s personal life, presenting him with relationships that further complicate the picture.

'Bridgerton' Season 3: Benedict Bridgerton’s sexuality explained

Benedict Bridgerton's journey of self-discovery unfolds in 'Bridgerton' Season 3, challenging perceptions of sexuality (@netflix)
Benedict Bridgerton's journey of self-discovery unfolds in 'Bridgerton' Season 3, challenging perceptions of sexuality (@netflix)

In 'Bridgerton' Season 1, subtle hints suggested that Benedict Bridgerton might be queer. Notably, when Benedict witnessed two men being intimate at a party, his envious reaction sparked numerous fan theories about his sexuality.

These speculations continued until Season 3, which provided more insight into Benedict's romantic inclinations and relationships. 

Season 3 introduces Lady Tilley Arnold (Hannah New), with whom Benedict becomes romantically involved. Tilley later introduces him to Paul, her occasional intimate partner.

When Benedict catches Tilley and Paul kissing, they invite him to join them, but he initially declines and leaves the situation.

This moment seems to clarify Benedict's preferences, as he later tells Tilley that he knows men like Paul but hasn’t felt tempted by them, indicating he isn't homosexual.

However, Benedict's actions later complicate this assertion. He eventually joins Tilley and Paul in an intimate encounter, leaving the audience uncertain about his sexual orientation.

The books on which the series is based do not provide clear answers regarding Benedict's sexuality, suggesting that he may simply be open to exploration.

With Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) and Colin's (Luke Newton) story arc wrapped up, Season 4 of 'Bridgerton' may focus on Eloise (Claudia Jessie) or Benedict.

If Benedict takes the spotlight, viewers could gain deeper insights into his character and sexuality, further enriching the complex narrative of the Bridgerton family.

Was Benedict Bridgerton's sexuality revealed in 'Bridgerton' books?

The Netflix adaptation of 'Bridgerton' explores Benedict Bridgerton's sexuality in ways the books did not (@netflix)a
The Netflix adaptation of 'Bridgerton' explores Benedict Bridgerton's sexuality in ways the books did not (@netflix)

In 'Bridgerton' Season 3, Benedict Bridgerton's sexuality is explored in a nuanced and revealing manner, showcasing his journey of self-discovery as bisexual. This portrayal marks a departure from the books by Julia Quinn, where Benedict's sexuality is not explicitly addressed or explored in the same way.

In the show, hints of his orientation were previously suggested through his friendship with Sir Henry Granville (Julian Ovenden) in Season 1. These subtle clues have led many fans to speculate about Benedict's place on the LGBTQ+ spectrum.

While Benedict eventually marries a woman named Sophie Beckett in the books, the show's adaptation has chosen to explore his bisexuality more overtly.

As the series continues, Benedict's storyline promises to further delve into his romantic and personal journey, challenging traditional norms and expanding the narrative landscape of 'Bridgerton'.

'Bridgerton' is available for streaming on Netflix