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‘90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’: Statler, Dempsey and Georgia involved in ‘f*** buddy’ scandal

'90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' star Dempsey Wilkinson had a month-long affair with Statler Riley's friend Georgia
'90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' star took to social media to reveal that she and Dempsey Wilkinson were no longer together (@tlc)
'90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' star took to social media to reveal that she and Dempsey Wilkinson were no longer together (@tlc)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In a recent development on '90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way,' Statler Riley leveled serious accusations against her partner, Dempsey Wilkinson, alleging that he had cheated on her with their mutual friend, Georgia.

Statler and Dempsey's relationship was tumultuous right from the start. They clashed over major life choices such as relocating to the UK and starting a family. Statler, who was adopted, had a hard time fitting in and felt conflicted about having kids.

However, in June 2024, Statler took to social media to reveal that she and Dempsey were no longer together. She shared a photo featuring herself, Dempsey, and two other women, including Georgia. Statler accused Georgia of being Dempsey's "f*** buddy" and claimed that they had been engaged in an affair.

According to Statler, Dempsey had been living with Georgia for two months without her knowledge, keeping this arrangement a secret. Statler also accused Dempsey of financial misconduct, alleging that she was paying $700 per month for a van that Dempsey was living in rent-free. Statler felt manipulated and betrayed, especially since she had been financially supporting Dempsey.

'90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' star Statler feels foolish because of Dempsey 

Statler expressed her heartbreak on social media, revealing that she had taken the blame and protected Dempsey's reputation during their time on the show. She felt foolish for defending Dempsey and admitted that she had more information she could have shared. However, she decided to delete her posts to avoid escalating the drama further.

Looking back, Statler was heartbroken by how things turned out. She admitted, "I took the fall. I took every fall." Statler felt she had put in a lot of effort to protect Dempsey's reputation and make their relationship work, only to end up feeling betrayed and manipulated.

Statler revealed feeling foolish because of Dempsey  (@tlc)
'90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' star Statler Riley revealed feeling foolish because of Dempsey Wilkinson (@tlc)

'90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' star Statler revealed she wanted to marry Dempsey 

In '90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way,' Statler Riley opened up about her feelings for Dempsey Wilkinson, revealing that she once envisioned a future together and even wanted to marry her.

Statler, from Irving, Texas, and Dempsey, from Darlington, England, met online. Statler was particularly captivated by Dempsey's English accent and went as far as changing her dating app location to England, which ultimately led her to find Dempsey.

They spoke online for seven months before Statler decided to fly to England to meet her in person. She was incredibly hopeful about their relationship, as Statler described her excitement about Dempsey, saying, "I’m gonna get married to this girl. I really do believe that."

She saw Dempsey as her "forever person" and initially planned to stay with her for a couple of weeks to test their connection before considering a permanent move to the UK.

However, Statler didn't immediately inform Dempsey about her long-term plans. She wanted to ensure their relationship was solid before discussing any major decisions. "I could foresee the relationship changing everything," she said, expressing her belief in their potential as a couple.

Statler wanted to marry Dempsey (@tlc)
'90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' star Statler Riley wanted to marry Dempsey Wilkinson (@tlc)