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Is Ncuti Gatwa the best Doctor ever? 'Doctor Who' fans split over star's 'potential'

In 'Doctor Who' Series 14, Ncuti Gatwa portrays the Fifteenth Doctor, facing a crisis of competence
UPDATED JUN 22, 2024
While some fans are embracing Ncuti Gatwa as the new Doctor, others remain uncertain about how he compares to their favorite Doctors from past shows (@disney+, @bbc)
While some fans are embracing Ncuti Gatwa as the new Doctor, others remain uncertain about how he compares to their favorite Doctors from past shows (@disney+, @bbc)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: The latest series finale of 'Doctor Who' aired this past Saturday, June 22, on Disney+ marking the conclusion of Season 1 in the current series, with Ncuti Gatwa starring as The Fifteenth Doctor.

The show has gained overall positive reviews and Ncuti Gatwa has been highly praised by fans and critics for his charismatic performances throughout the show. 

In 'Doctor Who' Series 14, Ncuti Gatwa portrays the Fifteenth Doctor, facing a crisis of competence. Despite this challenge, Gatwa delivers a stellar performance. In his debut scene, he skillfully matches wits with the beloved David Tennant, navigating the show's bi-generational twist with ease.

As the series progresses, Gatwa adeptly embraces the task of portraying a modern interpretation of the Doctor while honoring the character's rich history. It's a demanding balance, but Gatwa handles it with remarkable skill and understanding.

While some fans are embracing Ncuti Gatwa as the new Doctor, others remain uncertain about how he compares to their favorite Doctors from past shows.

Fans compare Ncuti Gatwa with their favorite doctors from 'Doctor Who'

Ncuti Gatwa in a still from 'Doctor Who' (@disney+)
Ncuti Gatwa in a still from 'Doctor Who' (@disney+)

In a recent Reddit discussion titled, "How many of you think that Ncuti Gatwa has the potential to be THE best Doctor?," fans have embarked on a comparative analysis. Here, they compare Ncuti Gatwa's portrayal with previous Doctors, evaluating not just acting skills but also story arcs and character development.

One fan favoring Ncuti Gatwa said, "My personal favourite incarnations are 9 and 12, and although 15 appears to be a very different take to them, I have a very, very good feeling about him from what we’ve seen."

He further added, "I’m cautiously optimistic, of course, but I’m still going into this era with an open mind, and entertaining the possibility that I may have a new favourite Doctor."

Similarly expressing likeliness toward Doctors 9-13, one user wrote, "9-13 were full of such trauma and anger that gave the actors such a wide variety to play. 15 is meant to be healed and with all this sci-fi/fantasy change, I’m not sure if this is going to be right vibe for that range."

Many fans agree that David Tennant is arguably the best Doctor out of all of them, with one of them saying, "Well for the public at large I think it’s David Tennant," while others believe it was Peter Capaldi, with one saying, "I don’t think Capaldi will ever be topped tbh. He embodied every aspect of the doctor in a way that nobody else ever has before or since."

Majority of 'Doctor Who' fans agree that there isn't a single best Doctor

All the Doctors played previously by various actors in a poster for 'Doctor Who' (@bbc)
All the Doctors played previously by various actors in a poster for 'Doctor Who' (@bbc)

After extensive discussion on the Reddit thread, most fans believe it's impossible to compare the Doctors because each brought their own unique personality and traits to the screen.

One user said, "I don't think there will ever be a definitive best Doctor by default, not for public at large. It's something that can't be stated as fact, merely opinion. Like how, in my opinion, Capaldi is by far and large the most Doctor-like Doctor."

He further added, "But that's because he's my personal favorite and I don't see anyone ever dethroning him in my mind. To each their own."

Another fan wrote, "Every Doctor has a potential to be someone's favorite. I'm still withholding my judgement, we haven't seen enough of him, though - I was looking forward to his take, but I'm still not feeling it right now, he is a bit too suave and smooth, not enough of a critter. But it might change once we see him properly in action. Others might like him more, though."

One user wrote, "Remember. "No actor has failed the role". Every Doctor will be someones first, someones favorite, and someones comfort Doctor."

An unbiased fan commented, "I don't believe there is such a thing as a best Doctor."

He further added, "It's going to depend on personal experiences (where you are and what's going on in your life), how certain stories hit you, what your personal tastes are for how the Doctor should behave, etc. etc. etc. And even then it might just depend on the mood you're in the next time you want to watch some Who."

A user, agreeing with the previous one replied, "Totally agree with this. How can you even quantify what’s the ‘best doctor’? It’s such an individual thing, and is really influenced by so much more than just that specific actor anyway (like the companions, writing etc)"

Ncuti Gatwa isn't the first Doctor to captivate us with his space wizardry, nor will he be the last. While selecting the ultimate 'Best Doctor' is challenging, it's undeniable that Gatwa has kept us thoroughly entertained and upheld the high standards set by his predecessors.

Moreover, he's carving out his own legacy as the Fifteenth Doctor, and it looks like he's on the right track to leave a lasting mark!

'Doctor Who' trailer 


All 8 episodes for 'Doctor Who' are streaming on Disney+